Thursday, November 11, 2010


So, I have now met the famous cockroach that Elder Lovell has told many stories about when he was here on his first mission.  The first one I met fell off an empty grocery sack as I picked it up.  By the time he hit the floor my foot was already in the destroy mode and he didn’t even have time to run.  I screamed, but my knight in shining armor didn’t shine - he kept working on the computer.  However, the next night as we returned, he redeemed himself by attacking the one just inside the door before I got there.  The next night I went back into the kitchen and there was another one - I just about killed myself trying to get him but I won!  I wish I had a video going a few nights later.  The Elders were here and as we stood in the living room, Elder Lovell came in with the fly swatter and attacked the couch and Elder Bethers put a grocery sack on his hand and joined in the fight.  I couldn’t figure out what was going on until the couch was in the middle of the room and cushions were flying. Next came the roach spray.  We found him belly up the next morning (see picture) and haven’t seen any since. (Knock on wood).  I have also discovered another fire ant hill but not until I felt the bite behind my knee.  By the next day I discovered 11 new bites!  Sister Weatherford gave me a lot to look forward to when she said, “ They must find you really tasty.  I feel sorry for you when summer comes.” 

So you can comprehend the size of these things, a quarter made a good comparrison.


  1. We have been enjoying your updates and adventures. I don't envy you for the cockroaches though. This morning I saw a small snake outside the apartment. Fortunately it was a garter snake. Outside is OK, as long as it stays outside. There are poisonous snakes in the reagion, so I hope I don't see any of those.
    It is fun keeping up with the mission blogs from our MTC friends. Sounds like your mission is going well, as ours is.

    Elder and Sister Elkins
    Military Relations, Fort Eustis, Virginia

  2. That looks like a "Texas"-size cockroach!
