Sunday, November 7, 2010

Our kind of folks!

In a lot of ways Marion is like Ririe - it seems everyone is related in some way or another.  It gets quite confusing at times but this is when I feel the Lord has blessed me in that I’m actually figuring out who is who and where they belong faster than I had expected to.  The other day I was feeling like we haven’t been doing as much as we should missionary wise because we really haven’t been given any guidelines as to a schedule or such.  After a Book of Mormon study class, Sister Weatherford asked me to give her a list of who we had visited in October.  After writing them down I realized some of them we had visited more than once, that we really have been doing what we’re supposed to be doing. We have been instructed to work with the branch leadership and helping wherever we are needed and that is what we’re doing as well as going out on our own visiting whoever it feels good to visit.

The previous senior couple gave us a book listing all those they had worked with or tried to work with.  They hadn’t been able to contact one member (Leo) even though they had tried several times.  We usually pick an area and see how many we can get.  We went to Leo’s house first and he had just got home from work. What a special person he is.  Elder Lovell started talking to him about family history and he really got excited. After a long visit we had to leave for a meeting and he said he wished we could stay longer.  We have been out to see him a few times since and really enjoy these visits.  He wants to come back to church and we hope as we continue to work with him that desire gets stronger.

One sister (Angelina) we visited is quite amazing.  She was born with cerebral palsy and spina bifida.  She’s in a wheelchair. When we went to her house there wasn’t a ramp.  We asked her if she would like one.  She told us that getting up and down those stairs was her exercise and until she has to have one, she doesn’t want one.  She then insisted she show us how she does it.  After she gets out of her chair she pushes it down the stairs, scoots herself down, pulls herself up into the chair and off she goes. It was even more impressive watching herself get up the stairs. She would pull herself up a stair or two then drag her chair up to her, then repeat the process until she was at the top.  We were really impressed. 

Angelina - doesn't complain about her situation - just goes and loves life.  She also babysits and takes care of a grand-niece so she can make sure she gets to church.

We’re short on Aaronic Priesthood members so the sacrament is passed by 2 special needs adults. They do really well and it is very humbling to watch them.  We feel so at home here.  There is nothing pretentious about these people. Today as they bore their testimonies, the spirit was so strong and we were drawn even closer to them. 

Just a fun tidbit - a new family has moved into the branch - 4 children - our Primary has really grown!

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