Saturday, October 16, 2010

Journey #3

Just one little apology to Travis for some of our pictures - they were taken through a dirty windshield as most of them were taken in places we couldn't stop - and we wanted to share what we saw anyway.
These vines cover trees, bushes, power lines, fences, etc. and make the most interesting sculptures. Mom Lovell and Linda fell in love with them but Jim wouldn't let us take any home since they are considered a noxious weed and kill any plants they cover. But they are still fascinating!

This is a typical road in the southern states - lined with trees and beautiful.

A cotton field ready to be harvested. I hope to get some pictures of the harvesting which I've been told will probably end real soon.

Wednesday night was spent in Rome, GA where we had to opportunity to visit a distant cousin we have become very close to. She has had some very difficult medical issues since February but looks really good and doing much better.

Thursday we arrived in Columbia where we had our first interview with Pres. McConkie and spent that evening at the mission home. Pres. and Sister McConkie are wonderful and enjoyed our time with them. We will be serving in the Marion, South Carolina Branch for at least 9 months. We will send an address as soon as we find a place to live - we have to find our own but we have a few leads.

Summary of our travels - We enjoyed very much the artwork of this gorgeous earth God has created for us. Whether it be desert, mountainous, or plush with greenery, each area had an unique personality and we loved it. We also felt that the Lord protected us. He gave Linda strength and peace as she drove long distances and in heavy city traffic. We know friends and family are praying for us. Thank you (and don't stop - we need those prayers)!

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