Sunday, January 30, 2011


Elder Jones & Elder Linford trying out the new keyboard.
They have the same expressions that Lisa, Kellee, and Kara
had when they played their first song.

After we received our call, we got a letter talking about the Harman Music Grant. This grant provides wards and branches with keyboards and all the keyboard & conducting music material for the purpose of teaching those with the desire to learn to play & conduct music. We applied for three keyboards and course material kits.  The Primary Presidency asked to be the first to take the course.  I didn't expect such nice keyboards. They have a lot of bells & whistles.  Lisa, is the president as well as the branch chorister.  She does quite well but has a strong desire to do better and to understand what she is doing.  Giving these sisters their keyboards, which has opened up a new talent they didn't know they have, has been a wonderful experience.  When Kellee played her first song, the excitement she had was uncontainable. She and Kara are sisters and their father has expressed how he can feel their excitement every time he talks to them. Each one has had only a couple of lessons but they are like sponges, they have set a goal - which song they want to play or conduct and when. When they have finished the course, if they still have the desire to continue using their new talent to benefit the branch and be willing to teach others, then they can apply for a grant to receive their own keyboard kits. There are others who have expressed their desire to be the next one to learn.

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