Monday, January 24, 2011

Christmas Decor

(I had problems with downloading pictures so back to catch up mode.)

I wondered what we would do for Christmas decorations without too much expense. 

We found a tree at Family Dollar and some lights on sale. We then decorated with a popcorn and cranberry garland, and pinecones from Weatherford's.  Along with one of the grapevine wreaths we made we thought we were doing well.  This poinsettia was the one from the church.

We had dinner at President Harvey's and they gave us a tinsel tree which is a tradtion in their family. Sister Weatherford loaned us a Santa Claus, and along with the poinsettias that we were given, we really did have a festive home.

This is a magnolia tree in Marion.  I don't think the picture can show you how big it really is, but it's huge! 

And then they lit it up for Christmas!  It was beautiful!

The Christmas stockings filled with candy and other goodies from Bro. Hill was a nice touch as well.

1 comment:

  1. Linda, You are being thought of. I received 2 phone calls that were meant for you. The Support Specialist from Pocatello or Century? called because Kim gave her my name because she couldn't call you. and Ed From Star Valley that was in your Akela's Trail Den 2005 (my cubmaster year). He couldn't find you either. We all love you and enjoy your blogs. Kathy Baldwin
