Friday, October 29, 2010

Boiled peanuts

Peanuts being harvested - we pulled ours by hand - had to have the experience.

Part of our responsibility is to help the members - so to help payback the Weatherford's for their generosity, we had the opportunity to help them pick peanuts for boiling. (We also wanted the experience.)  Boiled peanuts in the south are like potatoes in Idaho.  The peanuts grow like potatoes, under the ground, and are picked green for boiling.  They are really good, especially when eaten hot.  However, they are to be eaten in moderation.  When Elder Lovell (gotta get used to calling him that) served in the Southern States Mission a "few" years ago, he and his companion were given a 50 lb. sack of raw peanuts, so every night when they came home they boiled up a pan full.  Sorry to say, this was the beginning of his ulcers (peanuts are hard to digest).  He now limits himself.  You can buy boiled peanuts in cans, but Sister Weatherford says they're not as good so she freezes them. They ended up with (3) 5 gallon buckets.  She taught me how to boil them so I did a bucket for her. 
Elder Lovell removing peanuts from the vine.
Close up of the peanuts on the vine.
Peanuts boiling in the salt water.  They're boiled for 1-2 hours.

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